
How to create a Culture-Centered Holiday Experience in the Classroom (Winter)

Merry Christmas and happy culture-centered holiday season! *chuckle* Maybe that sounds silly, but it is important to think about. Every year before October even ends, my social media feeds begin filling with teaching resources or tips, tricks, and strategies for navigating the classroom until Christmas break. There are Christmas countdowns, Christmas themed rewards for positive behavior, Elves on the shelves, and so much more. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, it appears the importance of creating a culture-centered classroom where all students feel affirmed, welcome, and celebrated goes sledding down a steep, snow covered hill.

Consider this…

a-culture-centered-holiday-season-matterBut, step back for just a second. Step back and look at this classroom filled with green and red and white lights. Step back and look at this classroom with Elves and Santa and Gingerbread men. Now, look around at the students in the room. Ask four questions:

  1. Do all the students in this classroom celebrate Christmas?
  2. In every class in this school?
  3. If not, what holiday does the student celebrate during this season?
  4. What is this student to believe about the importance of her celebration in the eyes of the school and teachers?

Now, ask three more:

  1. Do all the students celebrate Christmas?
  2. Is there no merit in allowing them to see the variety of celebrations taking place across the country and around the world?
  3. How can we be intentional about showing students the beauty of their celebrations AND the beauty of others?

So, how can a culture-centered holiday experience be created so all students feel affirmed, welcomed, and celebrated during this time?

It will take additional time to discover the varying holidays of the students in your classroom. It will take time to understand the ways in which the holidays are celebrated. However, Rosalba from Zenned Math teachers has composed a substantial list of holidays that are celebrated in December and January. Check out her blog post HERE. You can start with this and build.

Asking the above questions is the first key step in creating a culture-centered holiday experience in your classroom.

Now Let’s Celebrate!


Whether every child in your entire school celebrates Christmas or not, it is important to open their eyes to the beauty and wonder of different holidays and celebrations. It is important for students to examine the similarities and differences in how people find joy in the celebration of holidays beyond Christmas. Christmas around the world is a great activity, but let’s expand our thinking and learning.

I encourage you to also consider the students that do not celebrate Christmas. How do they feel sitting in a classroom where Christmas is all around all the time?

Although this student has likely learned to lessen themselves, or ignore feelings of isolation, is that really ideal?

I think we can all agree the answer is no. As teachers, we want our students to know they matter. The best way to do this during the holiday season is to be intentional about discovering what holiday(s) each student celebrates.

Where Do I Start?


If you have already talked to your students or read Rosalba’s blog post, you know there are a lot of celebrations. Start by not getting overwhelmed. The goal is to be intentional. Intentionality is purposeful and gradual.

So, start by including picture books, short stories, decorations, color schemes, or rewards that align with this holiday.

Each year you can build your knowledge and understanding of different holidays and celebrations so you can incorporate more about the practices and the people into lessons.

If you are looking for lesson ideas, check out:

Christmas/Holidays Around the World – from Rockin’ Resources

Winter Holidays Around the World – from Sunshine and Lollipops

Celebrate Winter Holidays Teaching Guide – from Scholastic

Ready for more? Grab a FREE Culture-Centered Classroom Success Kit HERE!

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1 thought on “How to create a Culture-Centered Holiday Experience in the Classroom (Winter)”

  1. Pingback: 3 Ways to Level Up Your Christmas Around the World Lesson - Custom Teaching Solutions

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Hi, I'm Jocelynn!

I help teachers discover the joy in transforming their classroom instruction using culturally responsive teaching practices. Aside from my passion for education, I love running and singing and family time! 

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